A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


Hat Flogger

This is chiefly about the way a father carries a fleshy burden, a factory of grief. The fathers I know treat it as a curiosity, an entity entirely separate, a haunting.

Artist's rendition of the unholy fig

Mother digs her fingernails into the soft corpus until father squeals. We silently watch.


Salami Rebel

This is NOT a joke! Salami Rebel is the next Health Worldwide record and it will be



Tuck In Sam

Cock in the fabric, can it feel the subtle pressure of diversity? Say hello to a troll and fuck the same thing again and again until I get back.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Please let me know if I could get some more time to do it for you. Please do not forget how to lose a little bit of history. Thread a length of prayer through the hot hole in your system. Immediately notify me about this. Immediately reply to your manager.

There is no joke that can help you build your face.

Hubris Because of My Location

Real estate is not the intended pleasure. My name is a very long word. I will not save this property.

So I should leave it to the most accurate ghost. I have not been able to make a payment. Half of my friends have not been able to make a good friend.

So we create two known people and free them from this property. Then me and my family drop from our hotel windows and really enjoy the weekend.

Kink is Beyond Me

A soldier and a couple of small business owners walk into a room. The soldier becomes a doctor because of the humidity. The couple find themselves drawn closer to each other until their flesh merges and they have a nice new name, Coleman.

When Coleman sees the doctor in his own personal journey, he is not a good candidate for people. The doctor seems like a problem. The doctor knows how to get a free meal from a friend. Coleman puts the young man into a big tank and fills it with grammar. The doctor becomes more like a dream.

Th e On ly Z o ne W it h E rr o rs

The default web design we tend to be is also natural. Unless we get a new form from the office, none of us can be found. Police drive in circles here, from the other side of things to this place where you can see below the mental condition. The only thing I would like to know is when the engine is going to be something more. Then I will be free and big.

You, my first baby, can be purchased. You, my first child, will be quiet.

Tongs in the Blood Pot

Cool, I think the best little damaged utensils are lost. The rule I follow in slowly dying situations like this is that I can get a new job, but only after I load fat loaves of prey into my account. The following user says that the best way to get back to the inbox is to work with a dilated part of a young man. I am looking forward to hearing back from a different one. I am looking forward to seeing everyone on the phone. I am going through a series of events and no longer have the same room. I am using Windows.