A Cordial Welcome
Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.
If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.
With Vinegar
And why does it matter? Why do I care? There it is (it ain't taking up much space). It's just a thing there. It's got distinguishing qualities such as color, shape, size, odor, digestibility, number of vibrations per second, buoyancy, blindness, gravitational pull, time it's been there, time it will be there, and hidden love. So I don't care that it's sitting there. That's not it at all.
It's just that in this place we (I) love to maintain an accurate accounting of objects, gasses, and whatnot. We keep mirrors on the walls so we can be sure of our own presence here, signified by our ability to reflect light. I (we) also choose this as the place where we tend our tamed bodies and partake of foreign nutritional items.
And then there is the sex we do and the mental accounting we keep. One day it will be our last day. One day there will be nothing before us but the numbers and dollars and calories we've accumulated. And that thing. That thing will be among them.
That's all. Come.
Cephalopod Swashbuckler
In these tasselled lawnchair moments, varieties of anger concocted over hours of stiff labor settle like tin shavings in the bottom of a jar of glycerin. Let the houseplants sit wanting as static mimics the moonvoice. Let the glue dry to crust. I really mean that last part.
We don't need glue now.
Periods Correspond
Perfect Stick
Watching the Program with Children
A rich broth of contradictory thoughts
When I am nude
Parents are rude,
Demand confirmation of what was taught
I am a dude
Humble and crude,
Devouring the lunch meats (which I have bought),
When I am nude
Shielding this brood
Teaching my body things others will not,
I am a dude
Eating more food,
Opened and bloodied when it has been caught,
When I am nude
Endlessly shrewd
Owning the property which I have sought
I am a dude,
When I am nude
The Singer Oriented
Under Blown Leaves
Sandstone and limestone.
Cumulus and cirrus.
Scissors and tweezers.
Steel and aluminum.
Lizard hips and bird hips.
If you can know these things you can grasp the difference between, between, between Muddy Waters and JL Hooker. You can wander free of memory and labor.
The mallard gives us a clean thirst.