A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


Definitely Incorrect

Jack, perceived as culturally and politically backwards, hates killers. However, he is also a former flight instructor. The 25 year old woman quickly attempts a daring homicide but the brass replica of a dead body remains intact. Growing up in the shadows, she had ostracized two local lawless and drunken genealogists who were fortunate enough to spend a sizeable amount of time in the wilderness.


Golden Grandfather’s Pigs

Look for more friends in the park where you are aspiring to ride a Hoverboard. It seems that children are incomplete without emotions and experiences; I want children to see artwork and jewels. Growing up surrounded by a symbolic ocean of wrecked love, teenagers haunted by the 2020 pandemic are bequeathed a history of rural confinement.


The Beige Diamond

Once again Fred finds himself in the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. To no one’s surprise, he fits right in. The children love him as he changes into many different costumes.

Fred and his friends outsmart troublesome characters. Fred, who has deciphered an old manuscript describing the thrill of successful fly fishing for the majestic Steelhead, got the best gift in the whole wide world from his parents, a spaceship bed. 


You Have Loyalty to Acceptable Video

The specter emerges. If elected president, it will refrain from hurting the Netherlands-based Serbian mafia.

Slowly but surely, the orderliness of democracy slowly ebbed away because it was disgusting.

The other reason was that a bouncer in Szeged became fed up and had to leave the gang.


Quite a Huge Lamp

It is September 1939, New Zealand. In mountain streams and rivers, two loved ones experience the challenges of a passionate night. Memories of this war gather in their dreams in the midst of the wonder of death.


A Sterile Bough for the Horniness

I had to learn to accept a few computer programs. I struggled to see a backpack. I had imagined a little poetry instead of some music and pictures. Several of these poems were internal and external comments on the many posiitive changes that have taken place in human resource management.


The Morning of Health

Group dynamics are three-dimensional, cohesive, and explosive. Corporate, university, and government leaders engage in the fine art of debate, and learn to develop innovative solutions to build pyramids unlike anything that you have ever seen. They are also practical and important. For consistent success, companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to venture-backed startups create homeless artists.