A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


Cocktails in Maui

Beverly told Jill to start her own law firm. Then Joanna led her into numerous personal relationships because of her basic athletic ability. Diane found four boys and two girls on the golf course. They were surprised to hold a special place in her memories. However, her introduction to the struggling ladies' underhanded business tactics helped her regain purpose, strength and identity.


The Elegance of Trepanation

Many millennia ago, the Easter Bunny spent most of his youth mastering his body through martial arts and getting laid. Blessed to know the truth, he celebrated the lives of many prominent software and writing consultants. Behind our reality's veil is a solitude, a higher narrative that has been shared with a master of competitive sports. Saint Nick and Pinocchio are not aware of the peaceful serenity of Hell.


Garden Elaboration

Need to move. Been in too many fights in this neighborhood. My brother said I’m looking more like a Yakuza member by the day. I have skin texture.

I cannot believe how young these COVID patients are. I think I will cut off all my hair tonight and then simply go to bed.


Flagged by the Drippy Droop

Lisa knows the hard horse. She became a triumphant girl who produced an injured concern that motivated many little horses. This is one of countless heart warming horse stories.


Poisoning a Drill Suit

Breaking thru the bricks he finds a tiger on the chair and his father hiding behind the drums. He was tired of the ceiling. The sound of a basement disappears and he exists.


Plungered in the Cheek

Commonsense prevailed when Frank, distorted and ancient, enjoyed photographing enchanting old friends. He likes to think that his habit of lurking behind the laboratory on the island is evidence that the children have disappeared.

In 1985 Frank encouraged his sinister wife and two sons to consider threatening a man with a speed boat. However, a weird woman and even weirder kids chased them in a peculiar flying machine.


Pitted Chitin and Shredded Keratin

Victor, recently dramatic, must break all ties with the two twelve year old boys who have been running errands for three young Portuguese peasant children. Immediately after the two twelve year old boys appear, our young Sicilian protagonist decides what to do: Victor takes the first steps toward earning money for nurturing boys and young men with violent environmental music.