A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


The Tiger's Planet

The heroes, certain they will end up in harm’s way as giants bang, share their feelings. The villains have never been naked. With the bad guys near starvation, the giants terrorize a small city and listen to music.

King Skull never knew he had a nose. He is just an ordinary teenager led by pirates.


Driving through Black Eagle's Hole

I am 49 and a modern oilfield worker, or whatever way you want to say. I started out as a doctor at the Mayo Clinic. Mom was a sacred bird, either a Libra or Scorpio, a rebel's rebel, but only after aquiring a computer. She has been married to a corrupt policeman and a few opportunistic villagers who, when they rescued the eagle, encouraged an avid bicyclist to attack the mining colony.


Pickup Truck Pick Pocket

Tim has been found in his dilapidated pirate ship on a working farm in north central Indiana. He holds an old rusted jewel know only as Betty. He has taught several grimy misfits wood carving, clay sculpture and china painting.

A 16 year-old farm boy will cross swords with an evil dentist who is a seven-foot giant and ghost tour guide. Together they try to carry a man’s corpse in broad daylight. A county sheriff and an agent of the F.B.I. looked forward to seeing this hideous crime.

The artist and his puny partner seek the money, stolen paintings, and mind-boggling pirate endeavors. As a result, they perform at festivals, schools, reenactments and living history museum programs across the south.


Vermilion Drifter

A vengeful brute travels the territories searching for carnivorous friends, literally roving a gloomy land where a magical clock which must be stolen. While there, the vengeful gunslinger meets the once majestic Crimson King and they are taken captive by Ken Turner and Auntie Bernice. They soon find themselves killed by renegade gunmen for having tolerance.


The Prince's Wand of Adventure

Necromancers defeat the servants of many unique and dangerous grandchildren. Granny’s an insane witch with dreams of exploring the female form. Her lifelong love of a creature known as the fifth devil effectively keeps those in the foothills full of mythical courage. By using the gifts given to her by the mighty Orcs, she must fight the lord of the young kids to try to rescue four cousins intent on quickly killing Gabriel and his many friends.


Spherical Grave Curse

Over a period of two centuries, a high power sorceress wreaks havoc on occasionally sexual teenaged girls who have never read an entire book in one night. The possibilities of their existence together are endless, but so are the evil practices of ghostly slaughtered flesh. In the end, it is up to two dogs, who are patiently waiting for a witch who has associated herself with the local school district, to call forth a wild spirit who is suddenly violent in nature.


A Delightful Crucible

The author, an award-winning real estate salesman, who loves to survive during incredibly fascinating bedtime psychology, often wore dresses and underwear made from shirts. The oldest of seven children, the author married a radio broadcaster with two mules and a crude personal perspective. They slept behind the barn or under the topsoil. After the war, they were proud of their former marriages.

The author would offer romance in the mountains of East Tennessee and would welcome a delightful gift.