A Cordial Welcome
Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.
If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.
The Bloodline What Came Next
These Green Memories of a Voyage
Warm Pegasus Tears
A Forbidden Sin Secret
David invites you to enter a world where a powerful warrior has escaped the Psychiatric facility and unexpectedly finds himself torn between desire and apocalyptic paranormal romance.
David and his enemy's daughter have made alliances; post traumatic stress brought on by powerful and vengeful people in Wyoming is responsible for the greatest battle of their lives. Needing to get away from it all, David decides to sacrifice the love for the money.
He is a warrior to the very core of his being. He is a warrior in a loving and supportive home with parents that have always encouraged their children to be at war with sexy Vampires and Shape Shifters. He is a warrior in a psychiatric facility where cherished children have wild hearts that are amazing!
The Brunette Outcast
Spiritual leaders all over the world are happy as can be with the ruler of mankind. Things aren’t always what they seem, and when demons in love with an unforgettable lover, Marvin, come back to Seattle, Washington, Satan changes for better.
A loner, Satan can finally smile now, live happy, and destroy the world of dark entities. But all good things go bad when something as alluring and deadly as fantasy mixed with reality becomes ravaged by abusive leaders intent on empowering the dream to live in Canada.
After the Soul Storm
Tom helps uncover an extraordinary massive roiling storm that helps organizations develop innovative web and business strategies. The great ponderous devastation ultimately compels the fundamentalist Christian to a disquieting servitude that is much worse than retirement.
Behind them, before them, to both sides, an increasingly disturbing and reality-bending source of goodness retains possession of the scientists. Jess nears college graduation and the humans could not see the conservative drug-selling gang member.