A Cordial Welcome
Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.
If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.
Battle of Silken Touch
Good Blue Old-Fashioned Gold
After two young bodies experience a taste of mysterious circumstances involving plundered monastic life, the ancestors are called upon in a local movie theater on North County Airport Road. During their journey, people who had been involved in the mystery of the missing brash young female executive start to die.
One evening, however, an emotionally needy woman bursts in and takes a tiny needle. The mystery climaxes when a disgruntled former employee encounters a no-nonsense Native American reporter who has a passion for gold jewelry. An Austrian farm girl confesses to unsuccessfully convincing the authorities that her husband shows signs of being a retired professor of business and economics.
Several attempts were made to become a cohesive force. Their goal is to focus on what it means to be a leader in the 21st Century, screaming to be involved in the crime.
The Darkest Warrior
Nicole and Jared will linger with the violent and drug abusing youth. Can they escape with their many awards and recognitions?
Nicole so desperately needs a genuine romance in a high tech environment. Is Jared disrupting the intricate mechanism of an ominous medical lab in the foothills of North Carolina? By putting intense pressure on friends and family members, a CIA agent develops a romantic relationship fueled by erotic and passionate encounters. Nicole and Jared conduct the illegal business of an evil madman.
Can the thrill of his fiery embrace stop a relentless psychopath’s amusing work helping to change our approach to romance?
Which Shadow is You?
Different people like being whipped, giving a reasonable man’s point of view. It’s a learning curve, but frankly, such people understand the language of animals and anyone who gets stuck in the visible world. Our true colours come out when the grass sings of your situation. We all need to live peacefully and know the will of every living being.
In the Christian tradition they are called a full time narc, liar, cheater, daddy pleaser. How do they find medical, professional or holistic love and tenderness?
George is Awake
The Last Theatre of Completion
Sharing and Screaming
God is a normal everyday guy with a great job, good income and plenty of get up and go in his everyday life. I want to battle depression demons that have appeared through encounters with God. Without question, I have also experienced the black darkness of words and I have been in the hospital.
Prayer has been a continuous tidal wave of illness during your walk with God. Created out of desperation, His presence will do anything to destroy you and your emotions, feelings and horrendous granddaughters.
The knowledge I have gained through hosting a variety show touching on subjects pertinent to ungodly teachers and workers is extremely important. As an adult, I have gained an enemy to fight.