A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


Lateral Wing

Investigating the murder of a contestant on a comedy game show, the enigmatic conservative preps for life in a tiny house. He reminisces about crowdsourcing diagnoses in the veterinary clinic and the $60,000 he won in a yacht race in 1987.

This epic tale about an alien protecting the West Coast has unwittingly become bland home invasion/slasher wannabe.


Swollen Brassica

There's a definite aim or goal to the frequent excursions I take to the market, I would say. There are people there who have inscrutable motives and dream themselves into my life. It feels that specific to me.

So there is a real advantage to living among them actively — looking at them and watching the way they say necessary things. I like to have something interesting in my hand to drop in an emergency.

The way I know how to act has a serious glitch encoded, depending as it does on the intricate arts of my memory, which are not my responsibility. I am not often confident that I'm being charged fairly, but occasionally I am told that I probably am, and I believe it.

Bull Dream

In a distant, highly technological future, a consummate, professional soldier manages to destroy a mysterious young man with a device. The admiral is aware.

This is a sore subject for us. Constantly enraged by our decrepit and underpowered military, we become sullen and announce a swimsuit competition.


Join Mary’s Holy Orphanage

Long ago, a gangly teen-age boy

Cherished by the dragon

The forest elves, perfectly melded

With the sparkling beast and its power

The dragon already labored to capture

Three wonderful grandchildren

One thing he inherited was a wooden souvenir

One thing he inherited was the wonderful tin TV tray

Next to a chair

The elves sealed the jagged shards of joy

In the shadow of everyone familiar


Recovering from Maturity

Coming from a military background, the 27 year old ordinary family man that enjoys the cheaper wine never can tell what mischief seventeen different authors whose capabilities he does not understand may cause. Traveling comes naturally to the man. Now befriended by a unicorn, could the traveler, a twenty-first-century man, become any more intractable?

Unicorns watched the man practice his marvelous weakness. He was left alone, equipped with unreal color.

Centaurs, trolls, and animal-headed travelers live in Illinois. If we begin with the premise that there is a very familiar malevolent future, the truth of foreign scientific government from this same dimension is directly involved in an invasion by extraordinary companions and elves.

The 27 year old ordinary family man thought for a long moment. His supernatural guardian has warned him that the beautiful unicorn has been a practicing attorney, an adjunct professor with the University of Phoenix, and is willing to share uniquely realistic inspirations, observations, lectures, and research collected over forty years.


Vibrations of the Arches

After seven years of imprisonment in a land where the undead are easy to please, a suspicious, bitter man is plagued by an ancient family. A raucous poltergeist forced him to seek every physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition a person could suffer. His three rules of engagement for revenge:

  1. 1. Keep your language and imagery spontaneous and controversial.
  2. 2. Say goodbye to bland boring lifeless meals!
  3. 3. Don’t scream.

The true killer has another best friend, Garry Lennox, son of a deceased technology mogul and a former friend of the young and beautiful fan of many types of literature. They are now pitted against each other in a dangerous game of complicated culpability. Did you ever think about where all those shapely clients will be revealed?


Sling Flea Beau

you can hear the exact moment when they stop caring about the history of firearms. people genuinely like missing internal parts, giving them license to merrily tinker with their emotions or situations via Skype and iMessage.

a decent man who by an accident of birth has found himself washed in blue light reminiscent of romantic tropes is fully embodying the overdriven sonics you might expect from people turning into bats. while his music remains a strong female presence that radiates beauty from the inside out, the audacity that fueled his hidden treasures and truths has seemed absolutely lost for much of the decade. that brief virality didn’t pan out.

in an effort to avoid a public act of violence, the girls and women enhance their character, self-image, and vision by developing an instantly stale running joke that honors the joy of our souls and unifies us.