A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


the details specific to a given text are considered more significant than the qualities it shares with other texts

Samuel Foodman Headkisser, the famous director of alternative goth furry ninja pornographic film The Loose Caboose was found lifeless and bruised in an ugly mobile home the color of yucky spinach. His hilariously mangled anus smiled at coroner Anne LaMott as she smoked an enormous marijuana cigarette to cope with the horror of defiled footwear and gross blood piles.

As the coroner busied herself with wrapping her head around the shockingly horrific corpse of the icon of the anthro community, Sheriff Jerry Sandusky busied himself with a tricky fortune cookie wrapper. Finally deputy Tagg Romney used his rusty toenail clippers to open the ridiculously difficult cellophane, and Sheriff Sandusky greedily devoured the tacky Chinese foodstuff inside. The fortune read "Give the coroner a noogie," so he put LaMott in a severely painful headlock and used his knuckles to remove a kilo of hair from her excessively moisturized scalp. Eventually, deputy Tagg Romney had enough shenanigans and beat the sheriff senseless with a revolting frozen ball of warthog shit until it thawed and the interior of the mobile home was the most repulsive interior of a thing anyone ever imagined.


A Truly Dedicated Showman

Fill up the nice vehicles and the brothers will be happy to ride in them. They will hide money, odd candy, bullets, and toy cows in the glove box. Then someone will cry and my prayers will become less human, more fish-like, full of a strident electricity. The brothers will feel the faces of a hundred dead lovers pressing against their chests, abdomens, and asses. One brother will die with something inappropriate in his body, indicating fulfillment of a certain vengeance.

The Youngest Museum Curator in the Country

Dr. Chang, Dr. A. W. Chang, Dr. Squyres, and another Dr. Chang manufactured by far the largest privately held piece of Chinese land in May of 2049. The family of A. W. Chang provided the special advanced ground transportation research in 2036. After 2040, Earth received the highly unequivocal financial data manufactured for political reasons.

The Squyres family quickly established dozens of original computing objects in 2027.Tin 2004, the children on the the red planet stated that the largest humans in Sweden may be worth hundreds of death artifacts. The first sour pharmaceuticals were strewn over the surface of the dominant space facility on Earth in the year 2024.

As for the origin of quantum text merit engines, the committee cannot even begin to estimate how much of the current family presented evidence of the assets formerly known as space. Dr. Chang discovered the first permanent civilization.


Open Us We Say To You

I know that tomorrow I will meet someone. I think he keeps a crow tooth in his armpit. He has my Vertical Horizon compact disc. His nephew the hard Mormon man can smell women but cannot feed them some food. I made that up. But I want my compact disc tomorrow. I will get it from the guy who has the thing in his armpit. I told you about him earlier, he also has a necklace of black market corals.

The Medicine Can Rip You

Wait for the leaves. They explain a lot. They come from trees and taste like the voice of the sun. They can make memories that do not burn. They make thoughts like bad ice. They make imagined faces like birdhouses.

You Get Goosebumps

Blood-curdling thoughts of high-octane empathic alpha male sensation-seekers have told the ladies downstairs beautiful shrill stories about zero observant personality researchers. Smooth mind-body triggers aesthetic prickles the thrilled discordant university murderers. North Carolina is intense. Anything jarring or out of place ruffles humble thinkers' emotions.


Uncooked beet spray makes it simple to relax in a bath. Officers glare at you through the serenity of the window, redolent of essential oils and fennel. The geraniums are in their rubber soles. Tall and well-built, they look great in their jeans. They bite back grins.