A Cordial Welcome

Cosmik Wolfpack is a playground and laboratory for flash-formed poetry and nanofiction written by The Debtor, a white cisgender male and citizen of the United States.

If you have something to say to the author, send it to cosmikwolfpack at gmail dot com.


It's Not Pink and Floral

You can change the look of your entire synthetic criteria when they become all too formaliac and predictable. Consider the fact that verbal mirrors of more masculine warmth and softness are slightly user friendly. This means that you have to ensure that you keep swinging an adequate amount of liquids. Sure, I'll take care of that right away.

Gripes aside, what a great controller.

You can make and receive cryptic messages such that emit from your basement. That makes it easy to elegantly and easily comprehend words across the barriers of ethnic, sexual and religious backgrounds.

Robes worn by old folks are noted for their fuzzy softness, warmth, and durability, and they can be dyed or printed. The only downside is that they will get you there looking clean and hairless.


TV Enforcement Character

The surviving cop wants to formulate an escape plan after a trip to the Sheriff doesn't pan out. He’s been talking to the robbers who catch serial killers. The Queen goes into immediate lock-down mode while the tormented murderous rat responds to the robbery and actually kills one of the other hostages and those gunmen.

The new enemy is finally showing dismay when it turns out that the Mayans realized just how far the troubled biker was willing to go to get the answer that has defined the final confirmation of what he's long suspected.

This might be the risky deal, the failure episode, a trio of tricky questions. There is no end for him at this point that still involves breathing, and if he's going to go out, better he do so semi-quickly. I don't mind the mild immorality.


Cranberry Grabber

Show the world your fanciest face. Blow away some whale people with strong melodies. Give love to homosexual grocery clerks. Throw parties for wormy little athletes and miners of ores and executive pets with snazzy disco moves.

The Starch Landfall

At least my kids like to use all of the easy ingredients; my husband and I just do not taste like great lunches. If I eat once a week, I heat up so quick on the warm stove and close another fridge and put the thermos in it at once. One daughter asks for the only tomato and takes it to school. My other daughter is too great in size to enjoy a 32 oz soup meal. This is still for her.


The selenodont artiodactyls of the Uinta Eocene

It's fancy anniversary dinner time for Janet and me. We sit in our second favorite gastropub. It was supposed to be secluded from wayward eyes, hidden under the impression of an old government restricted military base that had been abandoned during the second world war.

I think I'm eating rich white hetero alien eggs. I tell that to the waiter. He rolls his eyes. His armor is a living, sentient, and enchanted armor.

"God bless the real psychos in the vibrating shoes," I tell good old Janet. She trails around with her troupe of ‘fiends’, who are invisible but always on the verge of becoming flesh. The throb in her skull and right shoulder gave insight into a tangible injury, but she couldn't remember how she obtained such a thing. The drugs are probably screwing with her perception again.

Marriage is a special kind of agony. It requires the cooperation of numerous landowners across vast areas. The story itself is deliberately ambiguous.


Puffed Protein

The main male character is a billionaire (not a millionaire but a billionaire) who speaks fluent French. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Jose State University with minor degrees in military science, history, and military history. Between 1994 and 1997 he was involved in a real estate investment partnership in Ohio and Massachusetts.

His interests include archaeological research on sites in Mongolia, and as a pilot he owns and flies an original World War II "recon bird." The Government no longer provides security, such as the police, either locally or nationally. He is currently active in this area and for the security of his family and ongoing business, wishes to remain anonymous. This does tend to make it more difficult to discern the key concepts.


Spirituality Means Absolutely God Damned Nothing To Me

The amphibian, it seems, has become lost in its thoughts. This world is defined by wet skin and cold patience, slow industry and empty anticipation. In a way, the amphibian is a hustler. There is searing light above and enveloping darkness below, and until that moment of obliteration comfort is an amphibian delusion. The amphibian and fabric of motion are estranged. In families, we share the amphibian fantasy.